Price: AED 48.00
Discounted Price (Member): AED 41.00

Published in August 2014

Running in the ICC Emergency Arbitrator Rules: The First Ten Cases. 

The Secretary General, Andrea Carlevaris, and Deputy Secretary General, José Ricardo Feris, of the ICC International Court of Arbitration analyse early experience of emergency arbitrator proceedings.


  • Introduction
  • General characteristics 
  • Procedure
    • Filing of the Application
    • Setting in motion of the procedure by the President of the Court
    • Place and language of the emergency arbitrator proceedings
    • Appointment and challenge of the emergency arbitrator
    • Filing of the Request for Arbitration
    • Proceedings
  • Substance
    • Jurisdiction
    • Types of measures requested
    • Orders
    • Applicable law and standards
    • Costs
  • Conclusions
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